Saturday, June 26, 2010
So, 4 weeks have come and gone, and I guess it's time to lament and regret. "Damn, I should have totally studied!" "Shit, I had 4 weeks to do my homework, why didn't I?" "Alamak, I forgot what's 2 + 2!" Well, TOO BAD KIDS, SUCK IT UP, IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT. But hey, don't worry, I'm in the same boat as you, because today was actually the first time I touched my books in the entire holidays. But you know who would never face such adversity and dilemma? I'll tell you who. Trip Science Kias.

Gawd, doesn't that picture just screams noob? Meet Natalie Wong. She's one of my closest friends and fellow Jumper. She's also a Trip Science Kid. Me, being the non-Trip Science Kid, had always wondered what goes on in a Trip Science Kid's life, because it seems pretty lifeless and scary to me. What better way to find out, then to ask one huh?
Syu (S) : Hi, Percy. Imma start my interview now. You ready?
Natalie (TSK) : Bring it on, baby.
S : Brace yourself, hun. So, first question, what's a day like as a Trip Science Kid?
TSK : Oh, on school days I wake up at 4am every morning to study and revise and refresh my mind with A Maths formulas. During the holidays, I wake up at 6am instead but I sleep in on weekends and wake up at 6.30. I will then wake up and brush my teeth before having breakfast which consists of Carrot-Omega3-BetaCarotene brain juice and ginko nuts, that's all. They're good for the brain! And then I will start my revision proper throughout the day. Oh, so exciting!
S : Uh, hmmm okay. So how long do you study for everyday?
TSK : I study for at least 5 hours doing English, SS/Geog, Bio, Chem, Physics for an hour each before having lunch which usually consists of ginko nuts and milk. Sometimes I have cod liver oil for dessert! After lunch I will redo the same routine all the way till dinner.
S : Wow, that's tough. What time do you sleep by every night?
TSK : I sleep at one every night too complete my homework and to surf the Internet to visit...
S : Facebook?
TSK : What's that? Never heard of it, only heard of Textbook but no I will surf the Internet and visit the National Geographic website to infuse my mind with even more knowledge and also I will read the National Day Rally speech online, all 67 pages of it. The Internet connection is faster after 11pm as all those losers who play Neopets and such would have slept by then and we won't all have to fight for one signal. I'm so clever right right right? -smiles widely-
S : Uhm yeah, very. Okay, next question. Since you were young, have you always wanted to be a Trip Science Kid?
TSK : Dreamt about it my entire life. At the tender age of 5, I researched Singapore's education system and set my heart on Triple Science. never wavered since.
S : Such dedication, huh. Okay, which is more devastating for a Trip Science Kid like you - having your calculator die during an exam, or having a double science kid score higher than you in exams?
TSK : That's tough. I'll have to say, having a double science kid beat me. I mean, the whole essence of being a TSK is at stake here! It's threatening the legacy of past, present and future TSKs! Besides, we TSKs always go into an exam hall with TWO calculators, so having one of our calculators die during an exam is no biggie.
S : Inspiring, I see. Do you have a social life?
TSK : Bxtch!!! (S : Yeah I'm surprised she knew cuss words) Of course I have la! You doubting my popularity? Every night I have dates with different textbooks, they're really well-read and knowledgeable. And I always invite my friends over for study sessions and debates on whether the mole is really 6x10^23 or 6.00000001x10^23. That usually last up to 4 hours. Exciting right!
S : Yeah, so exciting! I wish I had dates with my textbooks too! -rolls eyes- Okay, since your life is not as mundane as I had expected it to be, tell me, what was your wildest night?
TSK : The most unbelievable night? I cheated on my TSK values and did not study at all the whole night! Can you believe it?!? I went to watch The History Channel the whole night, instead. But I felt guilty after doing so, and I swore to myself never to do such inconspicuous things ever again. Besides, I actually missed reading up on The Haber Process, that night :(
S : *GASP* OMG, no you didn't! :O So do you and your fellow TSKs get together every other night to hardcore mug?
TSK : Yeah, we formed the TSK foundation whose vision is to support the intense further pursuit of education of fellow teenagers.
S : Never heard of it, but I'm sure it's a success. Okay, which is more appealing to you- the top student in Cat High, or the top athlete in RI?
TSK : Definitely the top athlete dude, because opposites attract, you see? I provide the brains, and he provide the brawns. Perfect. Couple. Eva.
S : Riiiiiiggght. Okay last question, what would you do if you found out O's is tomorrow?
TSK :I'm saying this with absolute confidence : 9A1s is totally mine. Won't panic or anything, this is the war I've been waiting for and I'm ready to pwn it.
S : Good luck with that. And thanks for answering this interview. Oh, by the way, want a small piece of advice?
TSK : Yeah, sure!
S : Don't go into a double science class, especially 4S, talking about your TSK foundation or National Geographic or offer them your ginko nuts or whatever. I swear, the will just throw you into that Haber process burning thingy. Okay, bye.
TSK : Oh :O
So there you go, finally the rest of us normal ones get a better insight of what goes on in a TSK's life. It's still scary to me, though. I mean, like what about Glee? What about Facebook? But yeah, I guess such discipline is what's gonna get them their 6 points for O's. I hope this interview has served as motivation for the rest of us lazyasses and perhaps make you realize that it's pretty much impossible to complete that avalanche of holiday homework that was given in less that 48 hours.
Pee-ass : This interview was exaggerated and is solely for entertainment purposes. It was not meant to insult or mock the (cool) TSKs and yes the double science kids (DSKs) depend on you guys to make sure we achieve our 9.0 MSG for O's. And oh, Natalie Wong is
waaaaay cooler in real life, it's just she pakat with me for this interview (Y)
Pee-ass-ass : After re-reading my Minah Interview (look under Archives, January 10) and Mat Interview (Archives, February 12), I realized how stupidly funny I can get. Okay, sorry ego moment :>