SYU {thesyueffect}
Cedar Jumper, CJC Odac-er
I like dinosaurs, jellybeans, robots and girls.
Never regret anything,
Because at one point, it was exactly what you wanted.
Sometimes dreams are the only thing that keeps us alive ☆
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Picnic at Marina Barrage with the Budak Melayus today. It was really v v v hot. We sat around, ate, gossiped alot, danced randomly, sang K-Pop songs at the top of our lungs, dissed people, laughed our asses off and played soccer! I'm supposed to be Villa, remember? (The soccer star, not the building!) But it was pretty failed cause when I kicked the ball, my ballet flat flew off my foot as well. It looked like it could've killed someone.

This is after my shoe went flying off my foot. Not cool, Villa.

That's Hanan running away with my shoe.

That's Hanan still running away with my shoe.

I think this is damn naise.

Hanan's mak cik photos! HAHAHAHA
Our strategy for soccer was;
Syu : "Okay, I attack Hanan, you score!"
So yeah, that's me mauling Hanan up and that's Farhain running away and scoring, yay! :>

& this is when fate starts to mock us.

Bimla ad!
Our soccer poster photoshoot omg lol.

Have I ever mentioned about how much I hate my collarbone?
No, I have not?
Well yeah, I fucking hate my collarbone.
& then we jumped into the water fountain and played with the water like little kids.
OMG I think this picture's damn cool. Look, I jumped so high!! After this shot was taken, I fell into the water and scraped my knee. Sho kewl (Y)
And then Izahlove met up with us and we surprised her with an awesome cake to celebrate her birthday! Sorry that the cake was half melted and squished. Not our fault that (i) it was so hot, (ii) we had to run after the shuttle bus for 200m while carrying the cake.
& we learnt that sometime we just have to keep our mouths shut because fate is always out to mock us and karma can bite back at the most shocking of times.