SYU {thesyueffect}
Cedar Jumper, CJC Odac-er
I like dinosaurs, jellybeans, robots and girls.
Never regret anything,
Because at one point, it was exactly what you wanted.
Sometimes dreams are the only thing that keeps us alive ☆
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Best 4 days of my life, thus far.
I realized that being depressed = wasting your life away. "If you want to be happy; be." Remember that
quote? It's a good quote, don't you think. So in the last 4 days, I chose to party my sorrow away. Besides, why run away, when you can kill?
This is gonna be one long blog post. Brace yourselves,
Wednesday, 9th June
Went to school in the afternoon to collect History essays and mooched in PP Macs doing Maths homework while waiting for Lee. You know why? Because we were gonna have a sleepover at Natalie Wong Yun Zhen's house that night! Fyeah! \\ m // So finally Lee came and the three cool kids (It's me, Lee and Nat in case you were skeptical -.- ) went to get food and drinks and rent moviesto gear up for our sleepover and movie marathon. Went down to Plaza Sing to have Pizza Hut for dinner . Lee brought over her Betty Crocker brownie mix and so we baked it for our movie marathon and it seriously tasted awesum ttm. 1) The Vampire's Assistant is pretty cool but it left us all clueless. 2) Is it weird that I find The Tooth Fairy really, really funny? At 2.30 am and a quarter through our third movie, we decided to have a toilet break but Lee cheated our feelings and knocked out on Nat's bed just because there was aircon >:( So we decided to hit the sack but ended
camwhoring and rolling and laughing our asses off in Nat's bed. We only slept at 3.30am and I awoke at 4-
ish, 5-
ish because Lee punched my face in her sleep!!!! :O And she still had the cheek to whisper 'Sorry' before falling back asleep.

Check out my stuffed

1. Check out Lee mixing the brownie mix like a pro
patisserie (?!)
2. Check out my Escape The Fate shirt.

SgGirls photo!!! Seriously looks damn raunchy right.

Munchlax/ Whatever that made us late for our farewell.
Thursday, 10th June
We woke up at 10 which is v early considering the fact that we slept only at 3.30 am. Had
prata for breakfast, continued our
Definitely, Maybe movie. After which, we Lee and I rocked Halo 3! Okay fine, Lee rocked Halo 3, not me. Lee shot at aliens, I shot at rocks. Had a huge bowl of spaghetti for lunch and then did some work. Lee was supposed to be the one studying because she had a History test on Friday but instead she fell asleep -.- At 5pm, headed down to school for Track & Field camp and for Sec 4 Farewell! It was really nice
bcos Mr Seem cooked his famous pasta and there was a
barbeque and stuff. Sec 4s played Truth or Dare which was fucking hilarious cause there some pretty stupid dares like
me and
Zhi Xuan's sing-pants/bra-on-the-ground-song-loudly-in-the-middle-of-the-canteen-in-front-of-everyone dare and Natalie's stupid run-around-the-
barbeque-people-like-a-retard dare andthe kissing dares. The farewell itself was really good because the videos were seriously damn funny and it was touching to a certain extent (it was also Joseph Tan's farewell because he's leaving next year to be VP of
Hwa Chong,
btw). I luv my juniors because they put in
alot of effort for us and they baked us nice cupcakes and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna miss them a hell lot. But seriously guys, thanks
alot for ripping all our
unglam pictures off
FB and showing them to everyone -.-

Natalie, Clara
Poon, Lee,
Yun Yun and I decided to
crash the camp and sleepover in school too but we didn't want to sleep in he hall with everyone else because we didn't bring our sleeping bags and our school so cheapo refuse to turn on the
aircon and thus it was like a sauna in there so the 5 of us decided to stay up in the canteen and do homework! No kidding, we were mugging at 1am while everyone else was sleeping. We got bored after awhile, but we were seriously damn high that we decided to do some seriously funny stuff like.... CLIMBING OVER THE CANTEEN STALLS AND PRETEND TO BE THE CANTEEN AUNTIES!! Who was to stop us? We were the only ones awake in the whole fucking school. Sec 4s are untouchable, anyway. Nat even stole the drinks stall aunty's
milo powder!
Hahahah. After that Lee, Clara and I went around school ghost-hunting, which was pretty failed even though it was quite scary. Oh, but we did enter the male teacher's toilet though and while pretending to pee in the bidet, we found
shhhh (a secret). We got some kind of ghostly haunting and we were so scared that we ran back to the canteen where Nat and
Yunz were and then we did the most epic thing ever. I think it might even have left us legends because I doubt any
Cedarian has done this before. At 2am, we laid out our sole sleeping bag in the middle of the school courtyard, just so we can stargaze. How cool are we, please slap yourself if you don't find that cool in any way. We gossiped in the middle of the courtyard all the way till 4am. At 6.30 am, when all our juniors had to wake up for training, we grabbed our sleeping bags and went up to the air-conditioned Garnet Room to continue sleeping. Best (Y)
Proof that we were studying in school at 1am.

milo powder!!! :O

Pretending to be aunties serving drinks to Cedarians.
Shhh, don't tell Mrs Foo or Miss Nair, okay? HAHAHAH

Okay, my obscene
vijayjay picture -.-

Class photo formal

Class photo informal

Stargazing at 2am in the middle of the courtyard. Natalie Wong, Clara Poon, Lee Comet, Seow Yun Yun and Nurul Syuhaidah - legends.
Friday, 11th June
Breakfast at PP Macs at 10am with Clara, Nat and Yunz, made spoof of the "Andrew is HORTER.. Andrew for the win" ah lian. Reached home at 1pm, woke up at 5pm to meet Clara, Steph, Shashi and Casey for Surge 2 at Azzura, Sentosa. Fucking good, awesome music, great crowd. But Aaron Hector Chew (hot, rich IB boy) lost the poker game :( Saw alot of people I know there haha even Daniel Tan. German DJ Housemesiter sucked, Shashi had to leave at 1 and Clara and Casey left at 2 plus so it was just left me and Steph and we were still v v high and pumped up so were dancing like crazy but it was funny bcos the party had to end at 3 instead of 5am because the police weren't happy that the 7-11 nearby had to call them because there were too many things getting stolen -.-
Some tattoo-ed mat came over to talk to Steph and me at the staircase, fucking scary and later on his 32-year-old gay friend came over to talk to us and toldus about his fuck buddy HAHA. And since we were poor kids who can't afford to cab home and had to depend on public transport, Steph and I ended up having breakfast at Vivo Macs with the ACSI ruggers + Louis while waiting for the first train home.

We buried our slippers here so that we could dance without having to lose them.

Saturday, 12th June
Reached home at 7am. Wanna hear the anti-climax ending? I went for tuition in the afternoon. -.-
Told you this was gonna be a long blog post. I'm tired, lacking of sleep, aching, suffering from a massive headache and remorseful but it was the best fun I've had in a long time and I'd give
anything to do it all over again.